Welfare Courses
Promoter and lecturer at the 1st Edition of CAL-AQUA – Laboratory Animals Sciences – Aquatic Organisms Course at CCMAR. 13-15/04/2015. http://www.ciimar.up.pt/calaqua/index.php
Outreach and other acknowledged contributions
Contribution to CephsInAction - A network for improvement of cephalopod welfare and husbandry in research, aquaculture and fisheries. Food and Agriculture COST Action FA1301. EC FP7 COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology. http://www.cephsinaction.org/
Fiorito, G; Affuso, A; Basil, J; Cole, A; de Girolamo, P; D'Angelo, L; Dickel, L; Gestal, C; Grasso, F; Kuba, M; Mark, F; Melillo, D; Osorio, D; Perkins, K; Ponte, G; Shashar, N; Smith, D; Smith, J; Andrews, PL. 2015. Guidelines for the Care and Welfare of Cephalopods in Research –A consensus based on an initiative by CephRes, FELASA and the Boyd Group. Laboratory Animals 49:1-90. doi: 10.1177/0023677215580006
Fiorito, G; Affuso, A; Anderson, DB; Basil, J; Bonnaud, L; Botta, G; Cole, A; D’Angelo, L; De Girolamo, P; Dennison, N; Dickel, L; Di Cosmo, A; Di Cristo, C; Gestal, C; Fonseca, R; Grasso, F; Kristiansen, T; Kuba, M; Maffucci, F; Manciocco, A; Mark, FC; Melillo, D; Osorio, D; Palumbo, A; Perkins, K; Ponte, G; Raspa, M, Shashar, N; Smith, J; Smith, D; Sykes, AV; López, RV; Tublitz, N; Andrews, P. 2014. Cephalopods in neuroscience: Regulations, Research and the 3Rs. Invertebrate Neuroscience 14: 13-36. doi: 10.1007/s10158-013-0165-x
Couto, AT; Silva, C; Strobel, A; Fuentes, J; Mark, FC; Sykes, AV. Preliminary results on refinement of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) eggs long course transportation. Aquaculture Europe 14 – Adding Value book of Abstracts, pages 299-300, Donostia–San Sebastián, Spain October 14-17 2014 (Poster).
Sykes, AV; Gonçalves, RA; Reis, D; Silva, C; Frias, PA; Segovia, IL; Oliveira, AR; Alves, A; Couto, AT; Aragão, C; Ribeiro, L.; Hubbard, P; Oliveira, C; Almansa, E; Rodríguez, C; Lorenzo, A; Andrade, JP. Research in European Cuttlefish Aquaculture and Welfare at CCMAR: An Overview. CephsInAction COST Meeting 14-15/3/2014, Barcelona (Oral communication).